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IPHE International Hydrogen Storage Technology Conference
Lucca, Italy | 19-22 June 2005
Meeting Presentations
Development of Metal-N-H Sytems for Hydrogen Storage (PDF 4.02MB)
P. Chen, National University of Singapore -
High Pressure Metal Hydride Tank for Fuel Cell Vehicles (PDF 1.10MB)
D. Mori, Toyota -
Overview of the State-of-the-Art in Hydrides (PDF 2.93MB)
A. Züttel, Institute for Renewable Energy Switzerland & Solid State Physics of Energy Storage Systems -
Alantes as Potential Hydrogen Storage Materials - State of the Art and Perspectives (PDF 4.16KB)
F. Schüth, B. Bogdanovic, M. Felderhoff; MPI fürKohlenforschung, Mülheim -
Experimental Investigations of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Metal Hydride Porous Bed of Hydrogen Storage and Purification Unit (PDF 890KB)
V. Borzenko, D. Dunikov, S. Malyshenko; Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences -
Destabilized and Mixed Complex Hydrides (PDF 1.69MB)
S. Orimo, Y. Nakamori; Tohoku University -
Isolated Metal Molecules for Hydrogen Storage: Predicted MH12 Species (PDF 689KB)
L. Gagliardi; University of Palermo, Italy -
Hydrogen Storage in Hydrides for Safe Energy Systems (PDF 4.93MB)
D. Fruchart -
Stationary Storage of Hydrogen: Modified Titanium-Based Alloys (PDF 885KB )
S. Mitrokhim, Lomonosov Moscow State University -
Development of Mg-SWNT System for Hydrogen Storage (PDF 2.66MB)
H.-M. Cheng, Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences -
Off-Board Storage & Stationary Applications (PDF 869KB)
Theoretical Study of Hydrogen: Carbon Nanotubes and Nanoscrolls (PDF 1.82MB)
G. Froudakis; University of Crete, Greece -
Hydrogen Storage with Carbon Materials - Quo Vadis? (PDF 591KB)
G. Pez, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. -
Towards High wt%, Room Temperature Reversible, Carbon-Based Hydrogen Adsorbents (PDF 1.49MB)
S. Zhang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory -
Carbon-Based Materials, High Surface Area Adsorbents and Novel Concepts (PDF 233KB)
Organic Hydrides for Carrying Hydrogen (PDF 2.67MB)
Y. Saito, Tokyo University of Science -
Off-Board Storage, Stationary Applications, Hydrogen Transport (PDF 264KB)
Chemical Hydrogen Storage - 12 Posters (PDF 196KB)
Production of Sodium Borohydride in Iceland (PDF 393KB)
H. P. Ingolfsson & J. B. Skulason, Iceland New Energy
G. Gunnarsson & I.Thorbjornsson, IceTec
Y. Wu & M. Kelly, Millennium Cell Inc. -
Technical-Economical Assessment of Sodium Borohydride as an Energy Carrier (PDF 324KB)
K. Barral, Air Liquide -
Mechanistic Studies of Hydrogen Formation from Amine-Borane (NH3BH3) Complexes (PDF 3.36MB)
R.S. Smith, B.D. Kay, L. Li, N. Hess, M. Gutowski, B. Schmid, & T. Autrey; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory -
Approaching DOE Hydrogen Storage Long-Term Goals (PDF 728KB)
P.P. Prosini, C. Cento, M. Conte, P. Gislon, M. Brucco; IDROCOMB-ENEA -
Hydrogen Storage and Delivery by Reversible Hydrogenation of Liquid-Phase Hydrogen Carriers (PDF 1.19MB)
A. Cooper, Air Products and Chemicals -
Wrap-Up and Next Steps (PDF 408KB)
Meeting Posters
Poster Summary (PDF 40KB)
Reversible On-Board Storage: Metal Hydride R&D (PDF 256KB)
Novel Approaches for On-Board Chemical Hydrogen Storage (PDF 3.32MB)
Borohydrides for Hydrogen Storage. Thermolysis or Hydrolysis Advantages and Disadvantages (PDF 323KB)
Investigation of Substituted Ammonia Boranes for Chemical Hydrogen Storage (PDF 737KB)
Hydrogen Storage Progress in the GM Global Research Network (PPT 418KB)
Microscopic Investigation of Hydrogen Storage Materials (PDF 602KB)
Modeling and Optimization of Hydrogen Solid Storage Systems (PDF 437KB)
High-Pressure Techniques Applied to the Synthesis and Characterization of Light Metal Hydrides (PDF 309KB)
Optimization of SWNT Production and Theoretical Models of H2-SWNT Systems for Hydrogen Storage (PDF 2.15MB)
Conducting Polymers as New Materials For Hydrogen Storage (PDF 1.83MB)
Hydrogen Storage in Microporous Materials: Computational and Spectroscopic Studies of the Interactions (PDF 259KB)
The Potential of Aluminum Hydride for Vehicular Hydrogen Storage (PDF 3.76MB)
Transformation Mechanisms of Alanate Composites (PDF 124KB)
Scientific Instruments and Services for Hydrogen Technologies (PDF 12.5MB)
Mechanism of Hydrogenation Reaction of Li-Mg-N-H System Composed of 8LiH and 3Mg(NH2)2 (PDF 385KB)
Hydrogen Storage Properties of Li-C-H System (PDF 601KB)
Composite Materials Composed of Light Elements for Hydrogen Storage (PDF 443KB)
Catalytic Effect of Zr and Hf on Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption of NaAlH4 and LiAlH4 (PDF 352KB)
Factors Affecting Hydrogen Release from Lithium Alanate (PDF 298KB)
Structures and Effect of Additives in Alanates (PDF 249KB)
Hydrogen Absorption from Gas Mixture in a Metal-Hydride Reactor: Mathematical Model and Numerical Results (PDF 960KB)
Neutron Scattering Studies on Doped and Undoped Sodium Alanates (PDF 210KB)