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Review and Gap Assessment of Bulk Hydrogen Storage

Large-scale storage of hydrogen is being considered around the world, and the safety requirements and oversight of those facilities needs to be carefully considered. The Bulk Storage Task Force performed a gap assessment for regulations, codes, and standards for large-scale storage of hydrogen in order to identify critical areas for technical research and regulatory changes to enable bulk storage of hydrogen. Bulk hydrogen storage of >10 tonne capacity in above ground tanks is relatively rare around the world and no bulk hydrogen storage systems of >10 tonne capacity in underground tanks were reported.

Geologic or subsurface storage of hydrogen has been deployed in a few locations around the world. Some requirements for bulk storage in tanks have ambiguity with regard to larger-capacity systems. Some jurisdictions address these ambiguities by requiring more of a case-by-case analysis using commonly accepted hazard and risk assessment methodologies. However, these ambiguities need to be resolved to enable broader deployments of large-scale bulk storage systems across different applications.


Common risk assessment methodologies and models may help to inform the basis for these requirements, but it may also be that systems above a certain capacity should not be subject to prescriptive requirements and instead require a more specialized analysis on a case-by-case basis.


Please find the Review and Gap Assessment of Bulk Hydrogen Storage report here

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