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International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology and Vehicle Development Forum
Shanghai, China | 21-22 September 2010

This forum invited government agencies, private companies and research organizations from key countries to present international activities in the area of hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle development. The forum aimed to support individual countries in learning from programs and activities in other countries as well as to advance commercialization of fuel cell vehicles in the future through this information exchange. The participant list can be requested from the IPHE Secretariat (secretariat@iphe.net).
Final Agenda, including participant list (PDF 1.42MB)
Workshop Report
International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology and Vehicle Development Forum Workshop Report (SC-C-014-10) (PDF 384KB)
Workshop Presentations 21st of September:
Session 1: Overview of Fuel Cell Programs in Key Countries/Regions
Overview of DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Activities (PDF 1.66MB)
Overview of China's Fuel cells Technologies (PDF 3.98MB)
EU Programme on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and its Role in the Introduction of Clean Mobility (PDF 1.73MB)
Overview of Fuel Cell Programs in IPHE Countries (PDF 972KB)
Session 2: Status of Fuel Cell Technology Development
DOE Fuel Cell R&D Progress (PDF 3.65MB)
The Development of Fuel Cell Vehicles in China (PDF 2.56MB)
Development of Fuel Cell Vehicles for 2010 Shanghai Expo (PDF 2.23MB)
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development of Honda (PDF 1.72MB)
Risk-Informed Separation Distances for Hydrogen Gas Storage Facilities (PDF 390KB)
Session 3: Hydrogen: Production Technology, Costs and Infrastructure Development
Hydrogen Production Technologies: Progress and Costs (PDF 1.80MB)
Hydrogen Development in China (PDF 3.81MB)
Hydrogen Infrastructure Needs (PDF 2.00MB)
AIR LIQUIDE Vision for Sustainable Mobility (PDF 4.93MB)
Hydrogen Fuel of the Future, Today (PDF 7.04MB)
Innovative Technologies for the Hydrogen Infrastructure (PDF 529KB)
Research and Development of Fuel Cells Vehicle and Hydrogen in Japan (PDF 1.58MB)
Workshop Presentations 22nd of September:
Session 1: Key International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Demo Programs
Shanghai World Expo Mode for FCV Demo and Post-Expo Strategic Deployment-Chongming Island (PDF 1.17MB)
The HyFLEET:CUTE Project (2006-2009) (PDF 3.89MB)
CaFCP: Building Market Foundations (PDF 2.34MB)
JHFC Project Activities in FY 2009 (PDF 2.30MB)
Session 2: Energy and Environmental Benefits
Well-to-Wheels Analysis of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (PDF 866KB)
Environmental Benefits of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Transport (PDF 1.55MB)
GM's Electrification Strategy (PDF 5.22MB)