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Celebrate Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day With IPHE!
October 8, 2023
#HydrogenNow #FuelCellsNow
What is Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day?
Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day takes place on the 8th of October each year, and we are celebrating the annual H2FC date at IPHE since its inception. Members are encouraged to develop activities to commemorate this day for employees, suppliers, customers, and raise industry awareness to public officials, and local communities.
IPHE and its members, along with industry, stakeholders, and organizations around the globe can join the celebration by engaging in activities in the days leading up to October 8th. Supporters in the past have timed press releases, announcements, and held educational events such as ride and drives or commemorative ‘hydrogen walks’ to mark the occasion. This year, even with many events worldwide going virtual, members can still take part in the festivities by attending or organizing virtual events and raise awareness of hydrogen and fuel cells through social media.
IPHE will be looking to highlight our member’s successes in hydrogen and fuel cells across the globe in a series of social media posts that day. If you have something that you’d like us to include, please make sure to contact us at media@iphe.net.
Ways to Get Involved:
Press Briefing – IPHE members can hold a press briefing at their organization or facility highlighting their achievements as part of the broader fuel cell and hydrogen community. For this briefing IPHE members can invite their local and state government officials to provide comments of support, and invite local and national media, the investment community, and other stakeholder audiences to attend.
Participation in Community Events – IPHE members are encouraged to use this opportunity to engage in community events / festivals to showcase their company, products, and technology.
Watch Parties – Many organizations (including IPHE and its partners!) have a backlog of hydrogen seminars that are available to watch for free at any time. Members can organize a watch party of hydrogen and fuel-cell related videos, seminars and forums in their respective universities, offices and organizations.
Issue a Press Release Announcing Your Country’s Participation - This can be a simple statement of participation, or can be expanded to highlight your own country’s achievements, products, jobs, manufacturing efforts, etc.
Newsletter / Blog – Members can include information about Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day in their ongoing communications with employees, customers, suppliers, and other audiences.
Commemorative Walk or Run: Walk or run 1.008 km with in a group or by yourself and share a photo on social media tagging #H2DayWalk and #H2DayRun.
Building Grassroots / Social Media Support – Leading up to October 8, members can download and print copies of the Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day logo from our IPHE website, as well as “I Support Fuel Cells and Hydrogen” sheets. These can be used on posters, tee-shirts, hand-outs, pamphlets, news releases, and other materials. https://www.iphe.net/hydrogen-and-fuel-cell-day
To show their support of the industry, fuel cell and hydrogen professionals, family, friends, customers, suppliers, and supporters can take pictures or shoot videos using the logo or “I support” sheets and post them on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram along with the hashtags #FuelCellsNow and #HydrogenNow. Employees can be encouraged to wear company/organization paraphernalia and/or showcase products and installations in the pictures to increase organization visibility.
Social Media Prompts – IPHE members and industry supporters are encouraged to post their support of Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day on Twitter/X (@The_IPHE), LinkedIn, and Facebook, along with the hashtag #FuelCellsNow and/or #HydrogenNow to show their support of the industry. Potential social media posts can include:
October 8 is Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day! Show your support for fuel cells and hydrogen #FuelCellsNow #HydrogenNow @The_IPHE (for Twitter, or use the links above for LinkedIn or Facebook)
Worldwide, there are over 540,000 stationary fuel cells offering resilient power and over 1,100 hydrogen refueling stations. #FuelCellsNow #HydrogenNow @The_IPHE (for Twitter, or use the links above for LinkedIn or Facebook)
[COUNTRY OR ORGANIZATION NAME] is proud to support Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day along with #FuelCellsNow #HydrogenNow @The_IPHE (for Twitter, or use the links above for LinkedIn or Facebook)
Help us celebrate Global Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day this October 8th! Share your hydrogen and fuel cell story with @The_IPHE (for Twitter, or use the links above for LinkedIn or Facebook) [include IPHE logo at the top of this document] #FuelCellsNow #HydrogenNow
We understand that not all IPHE member countries will be posting messages online in English, and encourage you to adapt these prompts as you see fit. However, please use the hashtags (#FuelCellsNow #HydrogenNow) and IPHE handles (Twitter/X (@The_IPHE), LinkedIn, and Facebook) as possible so we can combine our voices for greater impact on October 8th.
US Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day Information
Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Printouts