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Educational Awards

The IPHE Educational Awards recognize the best PhD thesis and Master thesis, defended in the last three years (2012 - 2014) in faculties of Science and Engineering of Italian universities, in fuel cells, hydrogen and electrolyzers area.


Award for Doctoral Thesis


D. Papurello, Politecnico di Torino


"Biogas from anaerobic digestion of biomass (Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste and sewage sludge): trace compounds characterization through an innovative technique (PTR-MS) and detrimental effects on SOFC energy
generators, from single cells to short stacks"


This thesis shows the technical feasibility of the energy generation using an SOFC stack fed by biogas coming from the organic waste anaerobic digestion.


Award for Master Thesis


G. Sdanghi, Napoli Federico II University


"New Generation Fuel Cells fed by Biohydrogen for Aerospace Application"


This thesis shows a Dark Fermentation Process to produce Biohydrogen for feeding a PEMFC and AFC System for Aerospace Applications.

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