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IPHE Infrastructure Workshop

Sacramento, CA, USA | 25-26 February 2010

Workshop Purpose

This interactive workshop focused on realistic, practical issues with the aim of developing information that business and government can use to help develop policies, technologies, and incentives to help hydrogen fuel retailers be successful. The workshop sought to determine the market implementation needs for hydrogen fueling station development including:

  • Business cases and technology approaches for refueling station development

  • The number and size of stations needed by 2018-2020

  • Business factors that will motivate, hinder, or prevent investments in hydrogen stations

  • Possible financing scenarios

  • Policies, regulations, or other actions needed for a sustainable business case for hydrogen stations

  • Opportunities for international programs to leverage their efforts, including potential areas for further research and development


The workshop featured short presentations on the 2020 vision for hydrogen infrastructure from experts in several IPHE-member countries, followed by a discussion period. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) presented business case scenarios for five different hydrogen station configurations.  The California Fuel Cell Partnership then summarized the results from a recent online focus group, in which leading retail fuel dealers provided their perspectives on alternative fuels, particularly the NREL hydrogen business case scenarios. In breakout discussion sessions, participants used the information to discuss and identify key challenges and opportunities for market implementation, and potential next steps for government and industry.

Agenda and Background Documents

Workshop Presentations

Workshop Proceedings
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