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40th Steering Committee Meeting

Washington DC, United States | 4 - 5 October 2023

Family Photo IPHE - 40th SC meeting- Washington DC_banner.jpg
Keynote Address: 

  • Sunita SATYAPAL,  Vice-Chair and Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies Office and Hydrogen Program Coordinator, Department of Energy, United States

International Initiatives Session:  


  • Global Perspective: Rebecca MASERUMULE, IPHE Chair and Chief Science and Technology Representative-Hydrogen, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa

  • Glasgow Breakthrough Agenda: Paul DURRANT, Head of Sector Strategies and Climate Innovation & Co-head of the Breakthrough Agenda Project team, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, United Kingdom

Proposal for Breakthrough Agenda Sector Facilitators​

Country Reports

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