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Stakeholder Registration

In order to broadly communicate IPHE activities, the IPHE Secretariat has established a database of interested parties.  Any individual from any country (not necessarily an IPHE member) is eligible to register.  The database is maintained by the IPHE Secretariat.  All information will only be distributed electronically.


Please complete the form below to receive periodic email announcements of IPHE conferences and activities including updates on the IPHE Steering Committees, IPHE specific reports and newsletters, and general information about hydrogen energy developments around the world.

Please be assured that your information will be kept confidential and will never be provided to any other organizations or individuals.

Please contact the web administrator to be removed from the distribution list.

Registration Information
Area(s) of interest Check all that apply:


H2 Production

H2 Storage

H2 Infrastructure

Demonstration & Deployments

Regulations, Codes & Standards

Outreach & Education

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