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IPHE Outreach Skills Forum:
Issues & Opportunities for South Africa and Beyond
Pretoria, South Africa
Monday 24 April 2023
IPHE member countries are developing their visions and strategies to deploy hydrogen based on their unique national circumstances including industrial structure, natural capital, and key policy drivers. A key issue is Skills, the training, re-skilling, and up-skilling of workers necessary to implement the visions.
This Outreach Forum will explore skills issues, understanding what will be the potential demand for skilled staff – researchers, designers, engineers, technicians – and the job opportunities as hydrogen takes on an increasingly important role in industry, transportation, and energy systems.
This event will be in two parts: a focus on students and young people to understand how they see the role and potential opportunities for H2 in their lives through a Poster Session; and, countries to share information on how to build the research capacities and skills programmes necessary for hydrogen in the economy.
At the end of this Forum, participants will have a better understanding the education and skills needs in the new hydrogen sector, ideas on how to raise awareness of these opportunities especially with young people, and learn about approaches being implemented in leading countries.
IPHE Student Poster Session
Objective: Engage with African youth to think about the role and opportunities for H2 in the economy through a Poster Session; and, inform them of the IPHE Early Career Network
Venue: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) International Convention Centre (ICC) Time: 10:00 - 13:00 SAST
Participants: Available IPHE Delegates, Industry and Industry Association Members, Ministries/Agencies officials, Academics, and students (PhD, Masters, and Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET)).
Programme Director: Deputy Director General Zukile MVALO
10:00 Opening/Welcome: DDG Nolwazi GASA
10:10 Panel Session
Moderator: DDG Lulama MBOBO-VAVA
Focus of the Panel – Career Panel for the Hydrogen Economy (Government, Research and Development, Private Sector Representatives)
IPHE Delegate/USA, Vanessa ARJONA
HySA Infrastructure- Dr Boitumelo MOGWASE
IPHE Delegate/Netherlands Dr Noé van HULST, IPHE Vice Chair
IPHE Delegate/Korea- Prof. Ho-Mu LEE
Sasol – Dr Tanya HUGHES
Key questions for Panellists –
What credentials, educational degrees, licenses, etc. are required for entry into this kind of work?
What do you like best about your job?
What are some things you don’t like about your job?
What are some of the biggest challenges you have had to face in this position?
Why are you willing to come here today and speak with us?
How did you start your career in the hydrogen space?
What advice would you give youngster’s aspiring to enter the same career?
10:55- 11:25 Questions from the audience
11:25 Closing and Next Steps: DDG Zukile MVALO
Themes for Exploration:
For PhD Students: Posters based on their studies/work
For Masters Students: Posters based on their studies/work
TVET Students: Posters that explain how the development and use of H2 in the economy could help support youth employment?
Poster Review: South African officials, private sector partners and IPHE Education and Outreach Working Group Members to review poster display with a view to announce the winners at the Ministerial Gala Dinner Tuesday evening.
IPHE Delegates: To review and engage with the Students on their Posters to gather ideas and perspectives for their own consideration and as input to potential work by the IPHE Skills TF.
IPHE Education and Outreach Event
The objective of this E&O Event will be to:
Explore and learn how different countries are using multilateral partnerships to reduce the cost of low carbon hydrogen.
Understand how countries set research agendas to support the uptake of hydrogen and fuel cells in their domestic economies.
Learn ways to ensure meaningful partnerships between government, private sector and academia in the hydrogen space.
Venue: CSIR ICC Time: 14:00 - 17:00 SAST
Participants: IPHE Delegates, Industry and Industry Association Members, Ministries/Agencies officials, Academics, and students (PhD, Masters, and Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET)), and potentially local Press.
Programme Director: Deputy Director General Sam ZUNGU
14:00 Opening: National Advisory Council on Innovation Chairperson Mr Tilson MAYONI
14:05: Introduction to the IPHE: IPHE Chair – Dr Rebecca MASERUMULE
14:15: Keynote Address: Host Dignitary – Deputy Director General MVALO, Higher Education & Training
Panel Sessions:
14:30: Session 1: Perspective on Science, Technology and Innovation for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH):
How do countries use multilateral partnerships to reduce the cost of low carbon hydrogen?
How do countries set research agendas to support the uptake of FCH in their economies?
How do countries work to ensure meaningful partnerships between government, private sector and academia in the hydrogen space?
Moderator: Ms Eudy MABUZA, Senior Science and Innovation Representative, Brussels
IPHE Delegate/South Africa (7min)- Dr Cosmas CHITEME
European Commission (7min), Patrice MILLET
IPHE Delegate/United States (7min), Vanessa ARJONA
IPHE Delegate/Japan (7min) – Eiji OHIRA
Extended Question & Answer Session (15min)
15:10: Session 2: Perspective on Skills Development for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH):
What are some practical ways to start and to scale-up training programmes to ensure that there will be a capable FCH workforce in place?
What are the highlights from Skills Roadmaps and Studies on approaches initiatives underway.
DHET South Africa (7min) – Z KHUZWAYO
IPHE Delegate/France (7min) – Tudor FLOREA
IPHE Delegate/Canada (7min)]- Moye AJAO
Extended Question & Answer Session. (10min)
15:45 Presentation of Certificates of Participation:
TVET students: Presenter- DDG: TVET – DDG Sam ZUNGU
MSC students: Presenter – DDG: Universities- Dr Marcia SOCIKWA
PhD students: Presenter – DDG CFO – Ms Pretty MAKUKULE (Executive Director (ED): IPHE, Chair: IPHE, Chair NACI will also come to the stage to be part of handing over the certificates)
16:15 Closing: South Africa, Co-Lead of IPHE Skills Task Force- Lauren BASSON, Green Cape